segunda-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2010

Hoy vuelvo a la frontera
Otra vez he de atravesar
Es el viento que me manda
Que me empuja a la frontera
Y que borra el camino
Que detrás desaparece

Me arrastro bajo el cielo
Y las nubes del invierno
Es el viento que las manda
Y no hay nadie que las pare
A veces combater despiadado
A veces baile
Y a veces...nada

Hoy cruzo la frontera
Bajo el cielo
Bajo el cielo
Es el viento que me manda
Bajo el cielo de acero
Soy el punto negro que anda
A las orillas de la suerte

Lhasa de Sela

Fogo, fiquei mesmo triste!

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

I made a small small song
made a small small song
I sang it all night long
All through
The wind and rain
Until the morning came
This song is my small song
This song is my small song
I sang it all night long
And when
The morning came
I had to start all over again
My song is so so small
My song is so so small
I could get down and crawl
Searching from
Wall to wall
And never see
Anything at all
How could you hate
Such a small song?
How could you hate
Such a small song?
If I was right
I would be wrong
Don't be afraid
It's just a small song

Thank you beautiful girl!
Goodbye :(